
funreproulette| Sudden! Tianjin relaxes purchase restrictions


SourceFunreprouletteChina Fund Daily Taylor

Brothers and sisters, ah, the holiday will begin soon. Today's A-shares are somewhat light.Funreproulette! And Tianjin announced the relaxation of purchase restrictions in the afternoon!

Tianjin relaxes purchase restrictions

On April 30, Tianjin Housing Urban-Rural Construction Committee and other three departments issued the Circular on further optimizing Real Estate Regulation and Control policies.

It mentions:

First, to meet the housing needs of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. In order to serve the major national strategy for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and to further promote regional integration and the development of co-urbanization between Beijing and Tianjin, the "Circular" makes it clear that residents registered in Beijing and Hebei Province and those employed in Beijing and Hebei Province who purchase houses in Tianjin shall enjoy the housing purchase policy of registered residents in this city.

Second, further optimize the policy of housing purchase restrictions. In order to better meet the residents' demand for improved housing, the notice makes it clear that registered residents of this city who purchase single sets of newly built commercial housing of more than 120 square meters in six districts of the city will no longer check the qualification for purchasing houses.

Third, improve the identification standard of the number of housing units. In order to fully meet the balanced employment and housing needs of residents, the "notice" clearly defines that residents purchase housing in non-restricted areas, and check their housing situation in the corresponding areas. At the same time, for families with members over the age of 60 or families with two or more children, the notice can clearly reduce the number of housing units by one set on the basis of household registration books and other materials.

Fourth, continue to encourage all districts to implement policies on a district basis. The Circular proposes to continue to encourage all districts to reduce the housing purchase burden of residents and support rigid and improved housing demand through policies such as housing purchase subsidies and group purchase concessions for enterprises in the light of the actual conditions of their respective districts. At the same time, all districts are encouraged to explore housing ticket resettlement methods according to the resettlement needs such as urban village transformation and urban renewal, and link up with new commercial housing projects in the district, so as to better meet the housing needs of resettled residents.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Housing Urban and Rural Construction Committee said that the above policies were further optimized on the basis of regulation and control last year and were in line with the current real estate market situation in our city and the housing purchase needs of residents. First, it reflects the timeliness of the policy. In particular, we will conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Tianjin, focus on the central work of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development, and serve the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Second, it reflects the accuracy of the policy. Abolishing the restrictions on the purchase of new commercial housing of more than 120 square meters by registered residents in this city will help to better meet the residents' demand for improved housing. Third, it reflects the innovation of the policy. In view of the cross-regional housing demand of residents, we should identify the number of housing units according to the district to fully meet the balanced demand for employment and housing, and at the same time reduce the number of housing units for families with many children and old-age families, which will help to better meet their reasonable housing needs, further reduce the living costs of families with many children and families caring for the elderly, and promote the balanced development of the population of our city.

After the news came out, the A-share real estate development plate partially pulled up Jinbin Development, Huayuan Real Estate, Tianbao Infrastructure, South Real Estate, Huaxia Happiness, Beijing Investment Development, Jindi Group and so on.

funreproulette| Sudden! Tianjin relaxes purchase restrictions

The housing purchase restriction policy is gradually withdrawing from the market. on April 28, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province issued a notice that the eligibility for housing purchase will no longer be examined for housing transactions within the city-wide scope. Since April 29, housing transactions within Chengdu will no longer examine the eligibility for housing purchase, that is, in the future, there is no need to look at social security, hukou and other housing purchase qualifications, and there will be no restrictions on the number of units purchased. This means that Chengdu, which has a resident population of 21.4 million, has completely abolished the purchase restriction policy.

So far, in addition to Hainan Province, in the core cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou (new houses), Xi'an and other core areas still maintain the purchase restriction policy.

Citic Construction Investment and Research News believes that Chengdu has issued a new policy on the property market, and housing transactions within the city are no longer eligible for purchase, that is, the purchase restrictions have been completely abolished. It is expected that after the introduction of the new policy, the decline of the Chengdu market is expected to be reversed. Since 2024, many key cities, including four first-tier cities, have loosened their purchase restrictions one after another. after the introduction of the policy, the market responded positively. The relaxation of the purchase restriction policy is of great significance to release the purchase demand and promote the recovery of the property market, and the cities that still retain the purchase restriction policy are expected to continue to relax in the future.

A-share situation

The pre-holiday effect is obvious, and the Prev is down 0% by the close.Funreproulette.26%, with a drop of 0%Funreproulette.9%, the gem index fell 1.55%.

A total of 1927 stocks rose and 3248 fell. Northbound funds sold a net of 8.6 billion yuan.

The low-altitude economic sector plummeted.

It's a holiday, so that's it!

30 04

2024-04-30 16:36:37

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