
differenttypesofpokergames| Brokers that have surged for two days are floating green today, even falling more than 2% in intraday trading. What do you think of the market outlook?


In early trading today, the brokerage opened low, showing the opposite trend with the previous two trading days. Take brokerage ETF Huaxia (515010) as an example, it soared by 7% in the first two trading days.DifferenttypesofpokergamesAfter 81%, it is almost above the 120-day moving average.

Industry insiders analyzed that today's decline may be related to the batch announcement of first-quarter results by brokerages yesterday, which is related to a decline in performance, which is a "blow" to investors from the emotional level. In addition, it is true that the first two trading days rose too fast and too much, it is inevitable that some investors take profits.

What will happen to the future of the brokerage?Differenttypesofpokergames? Industry insiders believe that the first quarter is the bottom of the fundamentals of the securities industry, the risk is clear. With the gradual and steady implementation of the new "National Nine articles" and "1x N" policy system, the securities industry will become a high-quality development trend. In about five years, it has promoted the formation of about 10 high-quality head organizations, and concentrated efforts on building the "national team" of the financial industry are relatively clear signals.

M & An and restructuring in the securities industry will be accelerated, and M & A will have a significant impact on the equity structure, assets and liabilities, income and profits of securities firms. It is beneficial to the fundamentals of the brokerage industry. At present, the brokerage sector is at the bottom of the valuation range. As of April 29, even if it rose two trading days, the price-to-book ratio of the brokerage sector in the past 10 years was only 1.26, far less than the opportunity value of 1.35, which is equivalent to cheaper than 91% in the past 10 years.

Daily economic news

differenttypesofpokergames| Brokers that have surged for two days are floating green today, even falling more than 2% in intraday trading. What do you think of the market outlook?

30 04

2024-04-30 12:37:35

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