
jackpotcasinofreespins| The two cities jolted back 33.8 billion yuan in capital outflows!


The market returned to a high shock adjustment on Tuesday.JackpotcasinofreespinsThe industries of coal, banking, warehousing and logistics, components, media entertainment and household appliances were resistant to decline, while industries such as non-ferrous metals, aviation, electrical instrumentation, automobiles, petroleum, chemical fiber, daily chemical, health care, medicine, communication equipment, electrical equipment and environmental protection showed a decline.JackpotcasinofreespinsIn terms of theme plate, composite copper foil, AI mobile phones, cloud games, glass substrates, payment for knowledge, skit games, mixed reality and other themes showed activity, while themes such as scarce resources, the gold concept, nurturing diamonds, titanium, cobalt, flying cars, low-altitude economy, polyurethane, combustible ice, civil-military integration, military information, disperse dyes, large aircraft, cultivating diamonds, synthetic biology and other themes showed weakness. By the end of the day, the Prev was down 0.Jackpotcasinofreespins.42% to close at 3157Jackpotcasinofreespins.97 points; the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.71% to close at 9681.66 points; and the gem fell 0.77% to close at 1861.48 points.

From the point of view of the main capital flow of the two cities, by the close, the main funds of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets showed a substantial net outflow, with a total outflow of 33.8811 billion yuan. Of this total, the large single net outflow was 15.47315 billion yuan, the large single net outflow was 18.40795 billion, the medium single net inflow was 5.42042 billion yuan, and the small single net inflow was 284.6069 yuan.

Judging from the capital flow direction of the industry plates of the two cities, the consumer electronics industry received a net inflow of 167 million of the main funds, the game sector received a net inflow of 109 million of the main funds, the optical optoelectronics plate received a net inflow of 38.0963 million of the main funds, the main funds of the agriculture, animal husbandry, animal husbandry and fishing plate received a net inflow of 35.4994 million, and the railway and highway plate received a net inflow of 34.2272 million.

jackpotcasinofreespins| The two cities jolted back 33.8 billion yuan in capital outflows!

From the point of view of the capital flow of individual stocks in the market, the top 10 net inflows of main funds are as follows:

Judging from the main capital flow of individual stocks in the two cities, Baichuan shares received a net capital inflow of 246 million, Jianghai Automobile received a net capital inflow of 175 million, Furi Electronics received a net capital inflow of 169 million, Ping an Bank received a net capital inflow of 162 million, and Zhongtong bus received a net capital inflow of 160 million.

On the whole, the market showed shock adjustment, and the industries of the two cities reappeared differentiation and local rotation. Recently, the market continues to fluctuate, and short-term emotional fluctuations trigger market adjustment. The overnight fall in US stocks and hawkish rhetoric from Fed officials triggered turmoil in global financial markets. A-share market was affected by this, and there was a narrow range of shocks in intraday trading. From the point of view of the trend, the market is still in the high adjustment stage, and the short-term rally highlights the rebound in market popularity. however, external factors still interfere with the short-term market, and there is a high probability of repeated shocks in the market. From the medium-term trend, the upward trend of the market has not changed, short-term adjustment is conducive to profit digestion and the momentum of the stock index. In terms of macro policy, domestic ultra-long-term treasury bonds will be issued one after another, which will provide sufficient funds for major projects and projects to help economic recovery and growth. With the continuous increase of domestic policies, the implementation of stable growth policies will further promote the improvement of economic fundamentals, which will provide a strong support for the strength of the market. Therefore, in terms of investment strategy, it is suggested that we should continue to pay attention to the theme of pro-cyclical industries and large consumption, low-altitude economy, artificial intelligence and intelligent machines under new quality productivity, and non-bank finance and new energy track opportunities.

(author: Zhu Hualei practice Certificate: A0680613030001)

21 05

2024-05-21 15:34:09

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