
piggybankmegawaysslot| New New Technology completed the placement of 157 million shares and raised approximately HK$43.6 million


New New Technology (09600) issued an announcementpiggybankmegawaysslot, placing agreementpiggybankmegawaysslotAll conditions have been fulfilled and the placing was completed on May 14, 2024. Total 1piggybankmegawaysslot.57 million placing shares have been purchased by the placing agent at a placing price of 0.00 per placing share in accordance with the terms and conditions of the placing agreementpiggybankmegawaysslotHK$.28 was successfully placed to no less than six placees.

piggybankmegawaysslot| New New Technology completed the placement of 157 million shares and raised approximately HK.6 million

The net proceeds from the placing (after deducting placing commissions and other related expenses) are approximately HK$43.6 million and will be used to supplement the Group's general working capital.

15 05

2024-05-15 10:45:26

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