


With the frequent emergence of "A-control A" mode in recent years, how far is the normal absorption merger under different control?

On April 30, the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges issued the rules for the examination and approval of Major Asset restructuring of listed companies.Crashbandicootteamracingps1Absorb the merger policy. As one of the types of mergers and acquisitions, absorption mergers among listed companies are actually very rare in the A-share market, especially under the same control, "An absorption merger A" has not been successfully implemented. Since the beginning of this year, the CSRC has rarely spoken out many times to encourage absorption and merger.

Some brokerage investment bankers told brokerage Chinese reporters that this is mainly because absorption and merger is conducive to industrial consolidation, and it is also one of the ways for low-quality and inefficient "little old trees" (that is, due to limitations after years of development) listed companies to "take the initiative to delist". In the view of regulation, delisting can be achieved a "soft landing".

However, several investment bankers interviewed also said that absorption mergers are more complex and may cost more to pay than the "A-control A" model that has emerged in recent years.

Another investment banker believes that in order to improve the market's acceptance of absorption and merger, in addition to policy encouragement and improving the mechanism, it is also necessary to reduce the "shell value" and crack down on the atmosphere of "shell speculation." On April 30, both the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges expressed that they would take more measures to further reduce the value of "shell" resources.


Several investment bankers are looking forward to breaking the ice for market-oriented mergers and acquisitions between listed companies that are not under the same control as regulatory incentives for mergers and acquisitions and increased demand for mergers and acquisitions.

Encourage delisting "soft landing"

On April 30, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges issued the revised "stock listing rules", which were called "the strictest new delisting rules" by the market, mainly because the regulation further tightened the standard of "compulsory delisting". With the continuous improvement of the delisting mechanism, the "metabolism" of A shares is expected to accelerate.

As a matter of fact, apart from "compulsory delisting", "voluntary delisting" is also expected by regulation. Take mature overseas markets as an example, "active delisting" includes privatization delisting, changing board delisting, M & A delisting and so on. In the view of people in the industry, the "little old tree" listed companies in the A-share market can be delisted through "being absorbed and merged".

Since the beginning of this year, regulators have repeatedly spoken out on different occasions to encourage absorption and merger. According to brokerage Chinese reporters learned exclusively from brokerage personages, at a business training on mergers and acquisitions at the end of March, relevant people at the regulatory level declared to the investment banks of brokerages that they supported absorption and merger, believing that it was an effective way to clear inefficient listed companies in the market, and that it was a "soft landing" than forced delisting, and regulators in particular encouraged absorption and merger under different control in training.

On April 12, the Securities Regulatory Commission issued the opinions on the strict implementation of the delisting system, in which it is clear that diversified exit channels should be gradually broadened. First, take high-quality head companies as the "main force" to promote absorption and merger among listed companies. The second is to take industrial mergers and acquisitions as the main line to support the implementation of market-oriented absorption and merger of the same industry, upstream and downstream among listed companies under different control. The third is to improve the relevant policies on absorption and merger, and break through the "blocking points" of cross-plate absorption and merger, such as the suitability requirements of investors.

On April 30, the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges issued the rules for the examination of Major Asset reorganization of listed companies, supporting the absorption and merger between listed companies, and clearly absorbing the relevant subjects of shares acquired in the merger that do not meet the requirements of investor appropriateness management, may continue to hold or sell the corresponding shares in accordance with the regulations.

Absorption and merger also helps to promote industrial integration. An investment banker of a small and medium-sized securities firm in eastern China told Chinese reporters that through absorption and merger, listed companies can integrate their own superior resources, improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of resources, and further optimize the allocation of resources in the industry; increase the market share of the main body after the merger, achieve economies of scale, and improve the ability to resist risks.

Investment bankers of a large securities firm also have a similar view, "M & An is an important way for listed companies to transform and upgrade, become stronger and bigger." The absorption and merger between listed companies is conducive to horizontal or vertical integration between listed companies in the same industry, improve anti-cyclical ability and market share, help to eliminate inefficient competition, take on high management and management efficiency, and belong to the combination of strong and strong. "

What's the difficulty?

However, there are only a few cases of mergers and acquisitions among listed companies in the A-share market. The "A-control A" mode has appeared repeatedly in recent years, but it is not the mainstream of the market, and absorption and merger is even more rare.

Oriental Fortune Choice data show that from 2020 to now, only 9 A shares have been absorbed and merged, namely AVIC Electronics (600372), AVIC Machinery (002013), Xugong Machinery (000425), Wangfujing (600859), Gezhouba (600068), Guanhao High-tech (600433), and Dalian Port (600317). Dongbei Group absorbed and merged Dongbei B.

As can be seen from the above cases, some belong to the absorption and merger between listed companies, and some belong to the absorption and merger between listed companies and non-listed companies. These cases mainly occurred between companies under the same control, and most of them had the background of central state-owned enterprises integrating assets; some companies were also in order to realize the conversion of "B shares into A shares".

Talking about the reasons for the small number of absorption and merger cases, a person in the merger and acquisition business of a leading securities firm believes that the absorption and merger of listed companies under different control involves the combination of two independent listed companies, and there are a lot of technical difficulties and commercial arrangements to be considered. complexity and difficulty are high.

It is understood that after the absorption and merger of listed companies, all the assets, liabilities, personnel and qualifications of the merged party will be inherited by the merged party and cancelled by the merged party. There will be a number of problems in practice.

The investment banker of a small and medium-sized securities firm in eastern China mentioned that in order to protect the interests of the minority shareholders of the listed companies of both sides, the merger usually provides acquisition claims and cash options to the dissenting shareholders of the merging party, resulting in greater pressure on cash payment in the merger.

"at the same time, there is uncertainty as to whether the business qualifications, patents and other intangible assets of the merged subject, as well as the preferential policies that can be enjoyed, can be successfully inherited by the merging party after cancellation. In addition, from the number of'A-controlled A 'cases in recent years, this kind of controlling equity transfer is easier to reach the transaction intention than the' absorption merger', the transaction cost is lower, and can also achieve the purpose of coordination. " The East China brokerage investment banker added.

Further reduce the "shell value"







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2024-05-04 20:36:40

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