


Source: Liuli Investment News

Yu Xianyu, Director of Ningquan Asset InvestmentBally'spokerroomIn an exchange a few days ago, I shared my latest views on the concept of value investment and investment opportunities this year.

As far as the future market is concerned, Yu Xianyu said that in the future, the market may continue to divide, the bad ones will gradually sink, and high-quality companies will support the market, so that the index can rise steadily year by year.

The traditional bull market and bear market model, in which all stocks soar and plummet at the same time, may not have a high probability, but there are always some companies that can bring profits to investors every year.

In this market, Ningquan will pay more attention to actively looking for opportunities as soon as it changes its defensive investment model in the past.

Within Ningquan assets, the main investment strategy is jokingly called "farming investment", which is different from the popular "hunting investment" in the past.

For the sown "field", Ningquan does not expect it to reap every year, but as long as a part of the investment can bring a return, it will be enough to meet the product performance and investor expectations.

Investment News (liulishidian) sorted out and selected the best content shared by Yu Xianyu:

Investment is a long chain process

You need to have an advantage in a certain link.

Q: Ningquan Asset, which has been established for more than 6 years, is a relatively young private equity company with the distinctive characteristics of founder Yang Dong. Is there anything special about being a value investor in China?

Yu Xianyu: I don't think there is any particularity.

In the A-share market, investment is a long chain process involving many links.

We have always believed that as long as we have an advantage in any part of the chain, we can achieve good results and even earn handsome returns.

Some people are very sensitive to market trends and may engage in short-term trading.

We believe that our ability circle lies in the cognition of the enterprise, the judgment of the industry and the pricing power, so we prefer a sound value investment style.

I don't think value investment is special, no matter which country in the world, the basic principles are roughly the same--

We need to find investment targets with a margin of safety, as well as enterprises with a broad moat.

Of course, each country's market has its own characteristics, so minor adjustments may be required in the application of these frameworks.

But as long as we can grasp these basic principles, the final result should be good.

In the A-share market, if value investment is controversial

It may be because some people do not consider the price when buying stocks, but just hold them for a long time and think that this is a value investment.

However, we emphasize that when buying, we should pay attention to the price and carefully evaluate its value.

As long as the price is carefully considered at the time of purchase, such investment behavior can be classified as value investment in a broad sense.

Therefore, I think in the domestic market, it is important to find your own ability.

In such a long investment chain, as long as you persist in ploughing in places where you have a little advantage over others for a long time, the final result should be good.

Farming and hunting

Look for good areas to "sow"

Q: in the annual review of Ningquan assets, the summary of last year is "defense and counterattack". What is your judgment on the market this year? What kind of strategies will be adopted this year?

Yu Xianyu: we think that the market probability of this year will be better than that of last year, and we can actively pursue positive returns.

I would like to share our views on the major changes in the market.

In the past, one of the major characteristics of the market was that people liked to participate in hype, high valuations of listed companies and low dividend rates, resulting in poor investment experience.

However, with the introduction of the National Nine articles, regulatory requirements to increase dividends, listed companies pay more and more attention to shareholder returns, coupled with years of market adjustment, stock valuations have been at a low level.

Taking into account the decline in risk-free returns, higher dividend returns are becoming more and more attractive to investors.

We believe that investors will gradually mature, their mentality will become more stable, and the proportion of long-term capital will be higher and higher, which will improve the stability of the market.

In the future, the property income of investors may mainly come from the operating creation of listed companies and shareholder returns.

The dividend rates of some enterprises are already very high

Other companies with low dividend rates are expected to improve significantly in the future. These are attractive investment opportunities.

Different types of assets correspond to the risk preferences of different investors, but relative to the risk-free rate of return, these assets are attractive to a certain extent.

For companies that are struggling, uncertain and unable to generate profits in the long run, the end result is that share prices are likely to continue to fall.

But this does not prevent the slow rise of the main index.

Because we have a large number of companies with sound operations, good cash flow and willing to improve shareholder returns as the backbone of the market.

Overall, we expect that the market will continue to differentiate in the future, and the source of income will mainly depend on the choice of industry and individual stocks.

In the process, bad companies will gradually sink, while high-quality companies will support the market, allowing the index to rise steadily year by year.

The traditional bull market and bear market model, in which all stocks soar at the same time, are not likely to occur. But every year there are always some companies that can bring profits to investors.

As long as you can choose the right company or layout correctly, it is possible to achieve positive benefits.

Our investment strategy will be more active.

In the past, we may have been defensive, but now we will be more active in looking for opportunities.

Our main investment strategy is internally jokingly called "farming investment".

That is, to find a good investment area to "sow"--

We don't expect to get a harvest every year, but as long as a part of the investment can bring a return, it will be enough to meet the product performance and investor expectations.

We will wait patiently for the unrewarded investment.

In contrast, hunting investment was popular in the past.

That is, the pursuit of themes, hot spots, new technologies, and the spread game as the main source of income.

Although this kind of investment has been very effective in the past, as the market matures, it becomes more and more difficult and risky.

Therefore, we will adopt a more robust 'farming investment' strategy, sow seeds patiently and wait slowly.












































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2024-05-27 20:14:20

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