
midwayarcadetreasures| Xiangyou Technology: The company currently does not involve low-altitude drone aircraft related business


News summary

[Xiangyou Technology: The company is currently not involved in low-altitude drone aircraft related business] Securities Times e Company NewsmidwayarcadetreasuresXiangyou Technology (600476) stated on the interactive platform on May 9 that the company currently does not involve low-altitude drone aircraft related business, but has operations related to drones.midwayarcadetreasures...

Newsletter text

[Xiangyou Technology: The company is currently not involved in low-altitude drone aircraft-related business] Securities Times e Company News, Xiangyou Technology (600476) stated on the interactive platform on May 9 that the company is currently not involved in low-altitude drone aircraft-related business, but it has the technical foundation for research and development in drone related operational businesses, and the company will actively follow up on relevant fields and market development trends.

midwayarcadetreasures| Xiangyou Technology: The company currently does not involve low-altitude drone aircraft related business

09 05

2024-05-09 17:22:39

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