
21blackjackgame| Wanma Shares: The company's liquid-cooled supercharging is expected to be listed in the near future, and the charging pile market is relatively scattered


Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 2321blackjackgame, some investors asked Wanma Co., Ltd.(002276)(002276), has the company been listed on the liquid cooling and overcharging market? What is the market share of the company's charging piles?

The company replied, Dear investors, hello21blackjackgame! The company's liquid-cooled supercharging is expected to be launched in the near future, and the charging pile market is currently relatively scattered. Thank you for your attention!

21blackjackgame| Wanma Shares: The company's liquid-cooled supercharging is expected to be listed in the near future, and the charging pile market is relatively scattered

23 05

2024-05-23 22:08:43

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