
playpoker| The State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Interim Provisions on Combating Unfair Competition on the Internet"


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[interim provisions on Anti-unfair Competition on the Internet issued by the General Administration of Market Supervision] according to the Securities Times, the General Administration of Market Supervision recently issued the interim provisions on Anti-unfair Competition on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "regulations"). The "regulations" have the following characteristics: first, persist in encouraging innovation. GuaranteePlaypoker...

Text of news flash

[interim provisions on Anti-unfair Competition on the Internet issued by the General Administration of Market Supervision] according to the Securities Times, the General Administration of Market Supervision recently issued the interim provisions on Anti-unfair Competition on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "regulations"). The "regulations" have the following characteristics: first, persist in encouraging innovation. Protect the achievements of enterprise innovation and strive to promote the Internet industry to maximize its innovation potential. Second, efforts should be made to standardize competition. Comply with the new characteristics, new trends and new requirements of the development of China's digital economy, and improve the identification standards and regulatory requirements of all kinds of network unfair competition. It is clear that the traditional unfair competition behaviors such as counterfeiting confusion and false propaganda under the network environment.PlaypokerThis paper enumerates the new network unfair competition behaviors such as reverse brushing and illegal data acquisition. And set up a backstop clause to provide a regulatory basis for new problems and new behaviors that may arise. The third is to strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests. In response to social concerns, we should regulate the focus issues that infringe upon the rights and interests of consumers in online consumption, such as brushing, cashing back, and affecting users' choices, so as to provide policy support for solving the new problems of new business type's germination in the new scene of online consumption. Fourth, strengthen the responsibility of the platform. Urge the platform to strengthen the standardized management of the competitive behavior within the platform, and regulate the abuse of data algorithms to gain competitive advantage. Fifth, optimize law enforcement and handling cases. In view of the characteristics of network unfair competition, such as wide range, cross-platform, cross-region and so on, special provisions are made on the supervision and inspection procedure. Create an expert observer system to provide intellectual and technical support for solving key issues. The sixth is to clarify the legal responsibility. We should give full play to the "combined punch" role of laws and regulations in the field of market supervision, and effectively link up with laws such as anti-unfair competition law, e-commerce law, anti-monopoly law, and administrative punishment law. At the same time, it defines the legal responsibility of confiscating illegal income and strengthens the effect of supervision. The regulations shall enter into force as of September 1, 2024. The General Administration of Market Supervision will strengthen the training and guidance to local market regulatory departments, strive to standardize and investigate and deal with unfair competition on the Internet, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of operators and consumers, promote orderly competition and innovative development of all kinds of business entities, and promote the high-quality development of digital economy with high-quality anti-unfair competition supervision and law enforcement. Proofread: Liao Shengchao

playpoker| The State Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Interim Provisions on Combating Unfair Competition on the Internet"

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2024-05-11 17:25:22

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