
avetsx53| [Apple] The market is weak and stable, with prices in Shandong producing areas 2.3-2.8 yuan/catty;[Live pigs] Supply is decreasing, demand increases seasonally, and prices are easy to rise but not fall


Newsletter summary

Shandong apple market price softened, Luochuan late Fuji price 2Avetsx53.3-2.8 yuan per jin. Apple is limited by the weather in the new season, and the spot market remains weak in the short term. Pig supply is stable, weight loss, demand is expected to grow seasonally, prices are expected to rise in May, the market valuation is low, investors can consider to be long.

Text of news flash

[Apple market continues to be weak and stable]

The national Apple market remains weak and stable. In Shandong producing areas, the number of merchants has increased, and the supply of goods at low pricesAvetsx53The circulation has become mainstream. Qixia Daliu Family, Shewo Park Evening Fuji 8fu Grade I and II Red Fruit Farmers' high-quality goods are priced at 2.3-2.8 yuan per jin, while ordinary goods are priced at 1.5-2.0 yuan per jin.

In the western producing areas, merchants take goods on demand, and the flow rate of goods of fruit growers in by-product areas remains average. At present, the price of fruit growers above 7 kilos in Luochuan is 1.5-2.5 yuan per jin.

avetsx53| [Apple] The market is weak and stable, with prices in Shandong producing areas 2.3-2.8 yuan/catty;[Live pigs] Supply is decreasing, demand increases seasonally, and prices are easy to rise but not fall

The arrival volume of the market has increased slightly, and the arrival volume of the dragon market is about 26 vehicles. With the gradual listing of seasonal fruits, there are certain restrictions on apple sales. The impact of the weather on the market in the new season is limited, and Apple prices are expected to continue to follow the spot market in the short term.

[pig market supply stabilizes]

On the supply side, the group's May column plan varies, but from a daily point of view, it is basically the same.

In terms of weight, the market has been reducing stocks of large heavy pigs over the past two weeks, and weight loss has continued, which means that pork supply will be reduced when the number of leaders remains stable in May.

From the demand side, after May Day, the demand increased seasonally. It is expected that pig prices will rise more easily than fall in May. Spot prices are expected to rise sharply if weight continues to fall to a certain extent and supply falls further in June.

At present, the valuation of live pig noodles is already low, and the market generally believes that it is suitable for long operation.

09 05

2024-05-09 18:23:38

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