
crashbandicootgameonline|CVS业绩欠佳股价重挫18% 可能创15年来最大单日跌幅


crashbandicootgameonline|CVS业绩欠佳股价重挫18% 可能创15年来最大单日跌幅

On the evening of the 1st Beijing time, U.S. drug retail giant CVS Health fell more than 18% early Wednesday. Affected by its disappointing quarterly results, the stock could record its largest one-day decline in nearly 15 years.

Due to rising medical costs, the pharmacy giant not only reported lower-than-expected quarterly results, but also downgraded.crashbandicootgameonlineProvide full-year performance guidance.

If the stock's closing decline remains at its current level, CVS will post its worst one-day performance since November 5, 2009, when its share price fell more than 20%. It will also mark the company's third-worst trading day on record.

02 05

2024-05-02 07:36:27

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